• Fresh White Fish

    We process fish from Grimsby and beyond. Quality first, price second

    Whole Plaice

    Whole Plaice

    This is fresh plaice on the bone. It has been gutted but other than that it remains as it was in the ocean. Ideal for grilling and baking.
    Coming soon
    Coley Fillet x 1 kilo

    Coley Fillet x 1 kilo

    An extremely underrated species. Mainstay of fishcakes over the years but that is a waste of this delicious fish. Black skin and a grey coloured fillet rather than white - perhaps that is what puts people off? Bought fresh off our local market.
    Coming soon
    Fresh Wild Turbot

    Fresh Wild Turbot

    £29.00 - £49.00
    The TURBOT is often known as the King Of The Seas. They can grow to be over four feet long. Please give us a bit of notice if you need an extra large turbot. Ordering the week before your delivery date gives us a better chance to fulfil your order.

    Coming soon
    Mackerel Cutlets x 1 kilo

    Mackerel Cutlets x 1 kilo

    Bought fresh off either our own Grimsby Fresh Fish Market or one of the British South Coast ones. Tasty, versatile to cook, cheap, good for you... Need we go on? Freeze what you do not eat for another day. Although all effort is made to remove bones please be aware may still contain bones.
    Coming soon
    Fresh Scottish Salmon Fillet

    Fresh Scottish Salmon Fillet

    We hand fillet our salmon from a 5-6 kg whole gutted fresh farmed superior grade salmon, this gives a fillet of around 1.5 - 2kg, this size of fillet makes the ideal cut portion size for cooking. We sell our fillets skin on and boneless i.e. pin bones removed, you will be very unlucky to find a bone, with the belly flap removed our salmon fillets are ready for slicing into your desired portion size and being fresh you can freeze what you dont use for another time. Order in units of 1kg but if you want a full fillet then order at least 2kg. Please note as this is a natural product weights may vary so we will charge you for the actual weight we send.
    Coming soon
    Fresh Mackerel

    Fresh Mackerel

    Whole gutted mackerel. Nothing better than line caught mackerel for tasting delicious and also doing you the world of good with it being an extremely healthy fish. Great on a barbecue but why not enjoy all year round.
    Coming soon
    Fresh Wild Swordfish Loin 1kg

    Fresh Wild Swordfish Loin 1kg

    Not as prized as tuna but nevertheless a fine loin for steaking and at the price, an economical alternative. Great for throwing on the summer barbeque.
    Coming soon
    Fresh Wild Cod Fillets

    Fresh Wild Cod Fillets

    £22.00 - £62.00
    Cod from the North Sea or the North East Atlantic and landed daily on the Grimsby fish market, we buy the freshest local cod available - filleted by experts here in Grimsby. All ready for you to buy with the options of either skin on or skinless and in 1 kilo or 3 kilo.
    Coming soon
    Fresh Wild Skate Wings 1kg

    Fresh Wild Skate Wings 1kg

    Skate wings delivered to us overnight from the Cornish coast, both painfully and laboriously skinned by hand ready for your pan. Such a big seller of ours online and in the shop,
    Coming soon
     Fresh Wild Halibut

    Fresh Wild Halibut

    The cheapest FRESH, WILD HALIBUT delivered to your down.
    Go compare us!

    This is the king of fish and halibut has to be up there as the tastiest and meatiest whitefish you can buy, caught around the shores of Iceland, Faeroes and Norway our wild fish are landed on Grimsby fish market. We aim to buy the largest of sizes which could be anywhere from 20kg up to 100kg that's a massive 16 stone!! The fillet is a chunk of boneless meat with the skin on, as this is a fresh product and weights may vary we will charge you the actual weight shipped to you. - order in multiples of 1kg and remember this is fresh fish so freeze what you don't use.
    Coming soon
    Fresh Whole Farmed Sea Bass 1kg

    Fresh Whole Farmed Sea Bass 1kg

    These are farmed sea bass like most sea bass you will find on British menus, we can and do get wild sea bass landed locally so look out for it on our special offers section, always more expensive but some will say well worth it. Our trained filleters will remove the guts and scale the fish for you, expect to receive approximately 2 fish per 1kg order. Please note as this is a natural product weights may vary.
    Coming soon
    Fresh Cod Cheeks From Wild Atlantic Cod 1kg

    Fresh Cod Cheeks From Wild Atlantic Cod 1kg

    This is the delicate flesh from the cheek of the cod, our filleters cut them out carefully leaving no skin or bone, we recommend rolling these in flour and shallow frying for a melt in the mouth treat as good as any scampi or scallop. We also get the tongues too which are very prised in Northern Spain, simply ask us and we will happily send you some.
    Coming soon
    Fresh Wild Hake 1kg

    Fresh Wild Hake 1kg

    Fresh hake from deep icy waters caught by state of the art fishing vessels. Hake often ends up on the continent as our European compatriots appreciate its delicate flavour and texture.
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